Sunday, February 24, 2008

[Bernama] 民行雪州副主席陈彼得退党


Kon WenHe said...

真 不 明 白 为 什 么 民 行 不 让 你 上 阵 !
PETER, 不 要 灰 心 , 您 的 付 出 我 们 都 看 得 见 !
这 应 该 是 行 动 党 的 损 失 吧 !

CS said...

Don't feel sad. 饮水思原.We all are DAP supporter. DAP must cooperative so that we are not easy to fall by BN. Thank you for your service in Taman Eng Ann. Although u are resign from DAP but DAP supporter still support u. Please support DAP also. I think Peter will not join MCA although he is leave DAP because MCA is shit.