Friday, September 14, 2007



远至吉隆坡的Angie Ng也亲自前来巴生移交婴儿用品和捐款予小钰珊的父亲黎建奇,更在听到小钰珊的经历后忍不住流下同情泪(见图)。此外也有来自砂拉越的热心人士也寄送衣物给小钰珊,以表关心。


1 comment:

mlyck said...

dear mr peter,
kindly advise where is the place if i wish to visit little yok shan.
As a mother of a pair of twin girls (four months now), im feeling deeply sad & angry for what has happened to little yok shan.
wish i can hug her and give her courage. She is a wonderful girl who has fight for her living.