Saturday, September 1, 2007

小钰珊坏死左手还未动刀,一扭便脱Yok Shan's surgery Shocking Revelation



原本预算4小时的小钰珊截肢手术,医生还未动刀,一扭便已自动脱落,仅5分钟便已戏剧性完成整个截肢手术。 目前院方并没有为女儿的伤口缝合,医生只是清洗伤口,并指伤口将自然愈合。






Shocking Revelation!

Case 1:

9am Surgery to begin.Duration of the surgery was estimated about 4 hours.

9.30am Two doctors went into the surgery theater.

10am The two doctors came out. They explained that no surgery was needed on Yok Shan's hand. Her rotten hand came off just by a slight twist. The whole procedure took less than 5 minutes.

Case 2:

Yok Shan's mother had the same horrifying experience yesterday. Needle inserted into her vein the first time but drew no blood. The mother's blood initially is used for Yok Shan's surgery,in case of anything happened.

Opposition Leader Lim Kit Siang will bring out this issue on Monday Parliament.


Unknown said...

Dear Peter...
I had been follow up Yok Shan's condition through your blog...

I disagree with your description:


1st - there is nothing such as "插错血管" - if it is drawing blood, a medical staff could draw blood from a vein or an artery, either one will do...If you are mentioning about putting an IV line - a mispuncture of artery does happen from time to time - nothing to shout...
but from your description the "插错血管" is a mis-puncture - and it is nothing to shout as well, even with in good hand, it is common to miss a vessel. Your report will make the medical staff having a more difficult time in the future : 1 puncture to get a line going or the doctor is incompetent…
”医院根本没有吸取之前的教训,反而一再出现疏忽” – negligence is not the proper word to use here. No doctor will like to puncture twice on a patient if they can do puncture once. Hospital definitely learnt their lesson : but mis-puncture is nothing the system can do – it just happen and will definitely happen in the future..

What have cause poor Yok Shan her hand ? there were few version of story running over the net/newspaper..
1. Infection : the antiseptic(cleaning the needle insertion site ) was not done properly.

2. Mispuncture of the needle into the muscle AND flowing to much of IV fluid into the muscle causing it to swell until a big pressure was formed and compressing the nerve, vessel over the hand(known as compartment syndrome).

There issue is not poor technique (how good the doctor can put in a needle) but the care quality. Did they follow the procedure before the needle is inserted (which is proper cleaning in this case) or check the IV line if it is flowing properly( which is smoothness of the flow and observe if any swelling noted around the site). It is definitely not the responsible of one individual in this case.

Share with you something about putting a needle and getting a IV line for young children(especially baby) – there is something called a vein viewer. I suggest that all govt hospital equipped with such equipment – this is something to be brought out in the Parliament.. The key point here is not to save Yok Shan future but to save other kids as well…

不告诉你 said...


不告诉你 said...
